International Cup supported by BMW & Rigid Final

Asia & Middle East Claim 1st International Cup in Dramatic Style Team Middle East & Asia with their Captain, Rajesh Chitti holding the International Cup Sharjah Golf and Shooting clubs newest event and possibly the most popular event on the calendar the International Cup supported by BMW and Rigid Industries came to a close on Saturday 6th of Feb. The event had four qualifying rounds with all participants hoping to represent their team in the final. Teams of America, Europe and Africa

Ledeboer & Chidambaram Claim Septembers Editions of the BMW Pairs Open Social

The BMW Series Open Social was hosted on the 7th September and the competitors faced a format of Texas Scramble for the front nine and four ball better ball for the back nine. Topping the pile on the day was the lively duo of Roger Ledeboer and Mohan GC(Chidambaram), who returned a score of sixty three that no one else in the field was able to match. After a fine showing in the texas scramble posting an impressive nine hole score

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